aloron school library

A school library is the place which is made to support the educational work of the school. Everything in the library, and everything about the way it is organized, must be planned so as to help the children. Sometimes this help is given to the children directly, sometimes through their teachers. It provides suitable documents and information helpful in educational programs and extracurricular activities of the school. It makes available text books and other additional reading material for all subjects as per the requirement of teachers and students. AISC’s library is generally situated in a school campus in different and organized ways. A number of text book and referenced books are arranged in almiras showcases. The number of books in a school library is not fixed. School authority collects books as per their ability and as per student’s requirements and child friendly. It also contains some rare books on history and culture. Only the students can read and borrow books from a school library. AISC school library has some rules and regulations. A student can borrow one book at a time for a week on a library card. AISC school library is managed by a librarian. He/She issues cards for the students. He helps them find a book. He/She gives them books to read in the reading room. He issues them books to read at home. He is very helpful and co-operative to the students. He/She is usually a dear person to the students. AISC school library is really a suitable place of learning for any school.

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